Welcome to the deepest darkest part of the woods and be ready to party all night with Wakko The Kidd & The Airheadz crew as well as DJ Devereaux & Shaggy The Airhead on the 1's and 2's! Giveaways, Contests, free drinks & More! Celebrating the release of ICP & Wakko's Wicked Shit strain! An all-night smoke-a-thon that will leave your dome piece split in two! Juggalos!!! Get ready to be entertained by the finest Juggalettes the carnival has to offer on night 2 of this year’s Gathering! Special appearances including the viral sensation ChefBoyBonez and many more! Expect a night to remember for years to come! THIS IS THE WICKED SHIT AIRHEADZ EXTRAVAGANZA
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